


This is a current list of Hitrac Equipments Rental Fleet.
Equipment is subject to availability. Please call for further information. The Lessee is also responsible for Clean Up and Servicing Costs.


* All Monthly Rentals are based on 28 days per month.
** If Unit rented in Fort McMurray Area there will a 3% per month allowed for undercarriage wear. Any wear over 3% will be charged back to customer.


2018 Rental Rates

200 HR
D6T LGP Crawler w/ PAT Blade  200 16500
D6N LGP Crawler 145 14000
D3K2 LGP Crawler Series II w/ 30" Pads         76 8500
ZX350 LC Excavator w/ Thumb 271/ 80000 lbs 14500
ZX290 LC Excavator w/ Thumb  200/ 67500 lbs 13500
ZX250 LC Excavator w/ Thumb  188/ 60000 lbs 11500
Cat 320E Excavator w/ Thumb 147/ 45000 lbs 10000